Health is something we can sometimes take for granted.
When we feel well, we can’t imagine that changing.
It’s only when something happens that we realise how fragile good health actually is.
Managing your health and your family's health is vital.
The team of medical professionals are here to assist with your knowledge and wellbeing.
Your doctor will advise when they expect results to arrive at the practice.
Please call us to find out if your results are in and to arrange an appointment with your doctor to discuss them, if required.
If you don’t hear from us via either a letter or SMS regarding your results please discuss with your doctor when you next attend.
Results are confidential and cannot be given over the phone. You must book an appointment in order for us to give out the results of your tests. This is to ensure the accurate results are given to the right patient by a professional medical staff.
Your medical record is a confidential document.
Our policy is to ensure that your information is only available to authorised staff and health care providers.
We abide by the 10 National Privacy Principles available at
Our practice is committed to prevention.
Your doctor will seek your permission to be included on our reminder system.
We may issue you with a reminder offering you preventative health services appropriate to your care. SMS or letters are issued for follow ups.
We recommend annual health checks for all age groups especially in children around four years of age, patients with chronic diseases and those aged 75 and over.
Best medical care suggests that you make an appointment to discuss your medication before being issued with a repeat prescription.
Patients can request a script over the phone or via the HotDoc App – Quick Consults/Repeat Prescription, if you have seen your GP in the last 3 months. This will be written at the discretion of your doctor. A fee may be charged.
It is imperative you see your regular GP for a specialist referral.
It is difficult for doctors to write referrals without seeing the patient and identifying the exact nature of the referral.
It is also illegal for doctors to backdate referrals so please ensure you get your referral organised before your appointment with your specialist.
Immunisations save millions of lives each year. When vaccinating your children or yourself it is normal to be concerned about potential side effects. Serious adverse events are rare, but a small number of people experience side effects such as a low grade fever, pain or redness at the injection site. To help with monitoring such events Leeming Doctors on Calley and South is now using SmartVax.
SmartVax is a program that sends a text message to patients to see if they experienced any reactions following an immunisation.
Anyone who responds that they experienced a reaction will be sent an SMS link to a 1 minute online survey that requests further detail about their reaction. We are notified of any reactions you report, and information about suspected adverse events may be shared with public health authorities who use this information for monitoring vaccine safety.
For more information and some screen shots of the messages and survey, go to the SmartVax website.
Australians are travelling overseas in ever-increasing numbers.
Whatever your age or destination, properly preparing before you leave and staying in good health while travelling can help you to have a happy and enjoyable trip.
When you travel abroad, you leave behind Australia's support systems, emergency service capabilities and medical facilities.
Our clinic offers a comprehensive travel advice and vaccine service for travel to all countries. We are a yellow fever vaccine centre for travel to South America or Africa.
Please make an appointment to discuss your needs with one of our doctors.
More information can be obtain at the Department of Foreign Affairs smarttraveller website.
Australia is the skin cancer capital of the world.
More than 11,500 Australian men and women are diagnosed with a melanoma each year, and an estimated 434,000 people are treated for one or more non-melanoma skin cancers each year.
Skin cancer accounts for over 80% of all new cases of cancer diagnosed in Australia each year. Many skin cancers can be prevented with early detection.
Arrange your skin cancer check when you make your appointment.
All doctors at this practice are trained in family medicine with special emphasis on chronic disease management including diabetes, heart disease and chronic lung conditions.
In collaboration with our nurses we are keen to apply best practice medicine and offer care plans and allied health management to assist with these chronic conditions.
If you have heart disease, diabetes or asthma, our practice regularly has clinics to help you manage your disease which are coordinated by the nurses.
For more information please speak to your regular doctor.
Please speak with one of our friendly and helpful practice team or your doctor regarding any other questions you may have in regard to your health or our practice management.